Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Fuel Costs Up, Dollar Down

Today, the Drudge Report is linking to a story from California that reports a gas station in Gorda is charging $5.40 for a gallon of full-service gasoline.

Most of you have heard about the weak dollar and the global rise in fuel prices. Perhaps you are interested to know the result of that combination and how the prices in Israel compare to where you buy gasoline or diesel. The regulated price for diesel in Israel is $9.74 per gallon. If you shop around you can find it discounted down to $7.54.

The regulated price for self-serve unleaded is $6.95 per gallon, which can be found discounted down to $6.79.

I'm experienced enough to say, "I remember when,...diesel could be purchased in Israel for less than $2.00 per gallon." I'm afraid those days are long gone, never to be seen again.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Oops: A Confession

Last week, a Jewish friend that considers me the source of all information related to Christians called me to find out the date for Easter this year. I was a little embarrassed for not knowing the exact date, but said "I think it is probably another month or so away."

Since living in Israel means following the Jewish calendar more closely than I would anywhere else in the world, I have become more committed to celebrating the resurrection in relation to Passover, rather than as it is scheduled according to the Gregorian calendar.

Knowing that Passover was still a month away, I naturally thought of the resurrection as being a month away because, as another friend likes to say when talking about the differences between the Gregorian calendar and the Jewish calendar: "He has to be crucified before he can be resurrected, and he was crucified at Passover."

I advised my friend that Google would be a good source for questions such as this, and while we were talking, I Googled the date of Easter and was shocked to find out that not only was it not a month away, it wasn't even a week away. I was more embarrassed than in the beginning and tried to explain why it had "snuck up" on me. He was sympathetic and said, "Don't worry, I'll keep this between us." I laughed and said, "Hey, he has to be crucified before he can be resurrected."

Please don't understand my oversight as a lack of interest in the resurrection of Jesus. I'm definitely with the Apostle Paul who said that if Jesus wasn't resurrected, our faith is in vain and we are still in our sins (1 Corinthians 15:18).

For those who celebrated the resurrection today, I hope that your faith was strengthened by the truth of his resurrection and the hope that we have because he was resurrected.

Because He lives,

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Texas Longhorns

I want to thank Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Scott of the Copa de Vino Ranch in Goliad, Texas for the freedom to get inside the fence to take some photos of their longhorn cattle. We were in Goliad seeing the area where Colleen's mother grew up, which was on the land across the road from the Copa de Vino Ranch.

As we were approaching the family property, I noticed the longhorn ranch and immediately pulled off the road to take some photos. About that time, one of the ranch hands drove in the gate and stopped to invite me inside for some better shots. At first I refused his offer, but after a few moments of consideration, I accepted his south Texas hospitality and we drove inside.

I like the color pattern of the first steer below, but wish he was wearing the horns in the second photo.

There's something really relaxing about photographing animals like these. Waiting for them to stand at the right angle, hoping for a good background and the natural beauty staring back at me creates the perfect storm of relaxation for me. Knowing that everyone in the car is waiting for me reduces the satisfaction some, but I'm thankful that my family is very patient with me when I drop into photography mode.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

From 20 Floors Above Revisited

Since we wrote about the things that we've found in our yard that had been dropped from the floors above us, many more things have arrived. Things like carpets, patio umbrellas, shoes, lots more trash - things too disgusting to detail - and assorted kids toys.

While all these things are a nuisance, none of them are as disturbing as what came falling down today: a 25"x12", 20+ pound limestone tile. It fell from the 18th floor, which translates to something around 120 feet.

On a couple of occasions, I have wondered if these siding tiles ever fall off, and what would happen if they did. Now, I know the answer to both questions: Yes, they do; and they shatter on impact.

Thankfully, no one was in the yard at the time. Now, I wonder if we should allow Grace to play out there.

In the photo, the red circle indicates the location on floor 18 from where the tile fell. The inset photo is the result of that tile's fall.

Please disregard the dead appearance of the grass around the tile on the ground. At the end of last year's growing season we were invaded by army worms, which ate all the grass leaves. I was finally able to get rid of them, but not before they destroyed much of my yard. (But, that's stuff for another post.)

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Bible Memorization Isn't Enough

The pastor in the first video clip below shames me when it comes to Bible memorization. To date, he has memorized more than 100 chapters of the Bible, which is commendable - even convicting.

However, after seeing how he handles the Bible, I realize that memorizing large portions of the Bible isn't enough. And, I'm not talking about his pulpit panache, or lack thereof. That doesn't matter much to me, unless, of course, the lack of panache is exacerbated by putrid, soulless drivel.

I've watched that video several times, but only because it's a multi-car pile up. You've driven by a bad auto accident and you know you shouldn't slow down to gawk, and you feel bad for doing so. But you can't help yourself. That's me and this video.

Another video that I have watched several times is this advertisement for a Don't Waste Your Life conference.

This second video, also by a Baptist pastor, is different. Much different. The way the Bible is presented in a "gives life meaning" kind of way draws me back time and time again. I feel guilty. But not because I'm watching a train wreck, rather because it challenges my soul. It challenges my value system. It goes to the core of my being.

One is man-centered. The other is God-centered. And that makes a big difference.