Tuesday, September 21, 2010

It was about 25 years ago . . .

. . . that I last put on a pair of these:

This Saturday, I may wear them again. I'm entered in Temple Baptist Church's Missionary Rodeo in Dumas, Texas.

I wasn't very good back then, so I'm not expecting to win all-around cowboy or anything like that. Hopefully, I'll have fun and be able to manage my horse well. I don't think there will be any rough-stock events (that's bucking events for those not familiar with rodeo lingo), which is good since it would be foolish for me to get on anything that bucks.

I was on a horse about a month ago, so I hope that was a sufficient re-orientation for me. 

Here's my motto for this rodeo:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish we could be there to watch you....it's been a long time since we saw you riding bulls :-) We love you and want you to be safe.